Mechanical Therapy


Mechanical Therapy is a treatment philosophy that is objective. When a person experiences pain or functional limitation, it must have a reason. Mechanical Therapy seeks to discover precisely where these limitations occur in the body and classify the type of limitation for an appropriate intervention.

Objective Analysis of Movement

A mechanical analysis includes active movements performed by the patient so that all may understand where the limitations are occurring and the location of sensations associated with it.

Positional and Movement Stresses

Simply holding a position can be stressful to the body - think of a plank exercise. Simple postures such as standing and sitting can play a major role in the state of the body’s tissues. Movements and postures are analyzed.

Focuses on Relevancy to the Patient

The movements and postures relevant to your lifestyle are important. Most individuals do not participate in powerlifting - however if you did, this would be important to your case and would be examined. Your hobbies and work related activities are important and will be discussed. If you are a runner, your ability to run and its effects on your body will evaluated.

Simple but Effective if Done Appropriately

Typically in cases of joint pain (spinal tissues of the lower back, mid-back, & neck - as well as extremities: knees, hip, shoulders, etc.) the treatment for improving the condition involves a single movement. This single movement is enough to rehabilitate the tissues to their ideal state. This can vary, but mechanical therapy seeks to distill the complexities of the body to a single treatment technique. This is sometimes not easily discovered, however once it is found, the treatment for a condition is very simple and effective.

Leads to Superior Effectiveness of Treatment

A single but effective treatment technique, when performed consistently over time, is extremely effective. When you can perform a movement that reduces tissue disruption and fosters healing, you are constantly renewing your ability to promote recovery.

Is Applicable to All Joints of the Human Body

All joints of the body can be injured, and they usually can be rehabilitated with movement. As stated above, finding the best movement is the answer - whether you suffered from a complicated and serious injury from long ago, or are simply experience an inconvenient tightness or discomfort, mechanical therapy can help.


Low Back Pain


Neck pain