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Jeffrey C. Mehlfelder

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Certified MDT

The profession of physical therapy stands for bringing people back to health. This is to be done in the most natural way possible, yet with a scientific background routed in evidence based research and theory. Movement is the key and focus for recovery.

My goal as a clinician is to uphold these values to the greatest extent that I am able. I aim to provide these services to people directly. This can be done in your home with a personal visit, or a telehealth video chat.

By providing one on one care with plenty of time and attention, the best possible physical therapy can be attained. I look forward to working with motivated patients to bring them back to health.

I have decided to forgo the standard path of insurance based reimbursement - fee for unit reimbursement leads to excessive productivity standards, over-documentation, and decreased quality of care and safety. By removing a third party interest, only the patient’s interests matter: Feeling Better & Healthier.


Back Pain Solutions For Professionals


Do You Work at Home?

If you work at home, there are many reasons why back pain can be hard to solve. A modern lifestyle can lead to a detriment of posture and activity. You can learn how to modify your lifestyle to thrive and restore mobility and strength to your spine and body.


Hard Working & Physical

When your work requires you to be physically active, you are faced with both challenges but also advantages. An active work life keeps you in shape, but it can also lead to some poor movement patterns and postures. When you hold yourself in poor postures or move repeatedly in the same direction throughout the day, it takes a toll on your body. You can learn to balance these forces to solve back pain, and prevent future episodes of pain.

Active Lifestyle?

Are you a work hard, play hard type? Do you work hard so that you can afford a great lifestyle of activity? Back pain occurs to the active population as well as the sedentary. Learn how to solve your pain problems and get back to the active life you love.


Pain that Comes and Goes

If you’ve suffered from episodes of spinal pain that comes and goes throughout your life, there may still be solutions for you. Since your pain can go away for periods of time, it is likely we can find ways to keep it at bay for longer periods of time… Maybe even solve it when it arrives. Gather the evidence base on your lifestyle and health history to find unique solutions - postures, movements, and modifications to achieve a better outcome.


Why Quality & Intention are so Important

The most important factor in your recovery from injury comes down to one thing: Who you are seeing. Your therapist determines the quality of therapy, patient education, and most importantly, whether your therapist wants you to get better as quickly as possible.