Convenient & Effective

Telehealth PT Works

The essential aspect of recovering from physical pain is movement. You will move with the guidance of an expert. A full mechanical evaluation will be performed which can provide you with relief and improved function the same day you receive it.

Be Motivated to Heal

Telehealth physical therapy is about you, taking responsibility for your health.

When you consult with a physical therapist in a telehealth platform, you are setting yourself up for success. By getting involved in the process first hand, you gain a perspective that enables you. The therapist will take you through a full evaluation. You are directly involved in this process. You will be moving your own body. This is a huge advantage when recovering from an injury. When you initiate your own movement without help, and allow yourself to completely feel bodily sensations, you are empowering yourself to a full recovery. Pain is not always what it seems. The importance of pain location and quality will be discussed with you. By becoming an educated patient, you promote yourself to heal from your current injury, as well as get a head-start on any future injury you experience.


Simple Solutions

An evaluation may involve what seems like a lot of information. The job of the therapist is to educate you, and show you the solutions in the simplest way possible.


Need a Nudge?

If your aren’t sure if Telehealth physical therapy is for you, why not give us a call? A quick discussion regarding the nature of your condition might be enough to see if you’re a good candidate or not.

“Most joint pain conditions can be healed from and solved with movement.  If you experience joint pain, from your spine or otherwise, there’s a very high chance you just need to be shown the right movement.”

— Jeffrey C. Mehlfelder PT, DPT